November 08, 2006
Posted by: Rusty at
01:32 PM
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Posted by: Jason Chance at November 08, 2006 01:43 PM (wkRws)
Posted by: Jason Chance at November 08, 2006 01:43 PM (wkRws)
It clearly indicates that the trolls fear what our comments might achieve. I say let them troll if need be! Don't concede the comments.
We aren't going to concede the next election without a fight. The Dems "lie and smear machine" can't keep the pressure up forever, and trolls are no different. In fact they stink exactly alike!
We can always deny the trolls the one thing they really want ... and that is a reaction. They feel important when they think they are getting to you. If you see a troll, just walk on by. They are really beneath you anyway, so why even pay them notice? eventually they will migrate.
Lefty trolling should subside for awhile anyway.
USA all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at November 08, 2006 02:18 PM (2OHpj)
Posted by: Pigilito at November 08, 2006 02:42 PM (8j0/G)
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at November 08, 2006 02:44 PM (8e/V4)
Posted by: Dillon Morgan at November 08, 2006 02:44 PM (wkRws)
Posted by: Greg at November 08, 2006 02:45 PM (19GwZ)
Posted by: Scott Armstrong at November 08, 2006 02:45 PM (wkRws)
Posted by: Scott Armstrong at November 08, 2006 02:45 PM (wkRws)
Another possibility is to allow only registered users to post comment. I.e. people have to log in say to a TypeKey account.
This is what Patrick O'Brien of Clarity and Resolve uses. I've inserted the TypeKey link below. I do use it myself for posting comment elsewhere.
Best Regards,
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at November 08, 2006 02:46 PM (vixLB)
Posted by: Scott Armstrong at November 08, 2006 02:49 PM (wkRws)
Posted by: Dale Gribble at November 08, 2006 02:49 PM (wkRws)
The real losers are your jihadi brothers who despite vienormous petroleum revenue and a total population of over a 1.2 billion cann't defeat 5 million Jews whose besieged country is little more than semibaren desert. Ha hah hah hah hah hah
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at November 08, 2006 02:50 PM (vixLB)
Posted by: Dale Gribble at November 08, 2006 02:52 PM (wkRws)
Posted by: Greyrooster at November 08, 2006 02:54 PM (wkRws)
Posted by: PK at November 08, 2006 03:04 PM (hph70)
Feed the blatant idiot trolls to us. Publish the IP addresses so I can hunt them down and send em through the asshole shredder.
Plus, you have to remember not to take this crap or the idiot trolls
personally. I know that's difficult sometimes, but that's the price ya
pay for throwing your two cents out there.
Just so ya know, we enjoy your two cents on the issues.
Posted by: dick at November 08, 2006 03:05 PM (XlQVK)
Posted by: west at November 08, 2006 03:05 PM (ChQXn)
Posted by: davec at November 08, 2006 03:06 PM (QkWqQ)
It doesn't really answer the question but somehow seems apropos.
Posted by: James Joyner at November 08, 2006 03:13 PM (uBRei)
for another sandbox - but I don't want to. Can we stay?
Posted by: heroyalwhyness at November 08, 2006 03:16 PM (MAPKL)
Posted by: Northern Cross at November 08, 2006 03:18 PM (gUvu0)
Not that you care about my two cents, but consider this. The very name/concept of your blog is offensive. It's dehumanizing. It's insulting. And it creates elbow room and enables those who want to deliver a message that fits the symbolism you've created.
That said, there's a lot more that you're doing here aside from the name (which I'll admit was both creative and a stroke of genius as a strategy for gaining attention, but that doesn't make it ok).
When you consistently suggest that a portion of the public, the media, and academia "wants America to lose," "wants American soldiers to die," "hates the West," "hates America," "are traitors," and down the line, it's no surprise that you get ugly, hateful pile-on comments from your eager supporters on an hourly basis.
I guess what I'm saying is that it doesn't really matter that you are smart enough and well read enough to be able to "dress up" and disguise your regular posts as thoughtful conservatism. That doesn't mean you aren't doing pretty much the same thing as the trolls. It just looks nicer, with the veneer of academic legitimacy. Which makes it more dangerous.
Of course none of this is going to make you change course. You have too good a thing going here. But that doesn't make what I've said untrue.
Posted by: Professor von Nostrand at November 08, 2006 03:18 PM (Bwpq7)
Posted by: Daniel Vargas at November 08, 2006 03:23 PM (wkRws)
Posted by: davec at November 08, 2006 03:23 PM (QkWqQ)
Posted by: Daniel Vargas at November 08, 2006 03:25 PM (wkRws)
And does Gay Rooster really want to have sexual relations with another man?
Or is it some sort of metaphor ?
If he does my guess he might have more success cruising other sites.
Posted by: John Ryan at November 08, 2006 03:25 PM (TcoRJ)
Not to be a moral relativist but one man's troll might be another man's soul mate.
Posted by: Heroic Dreamer at November 08, 2006 03:25 PM (bF+Yg)
Posted by: RepJ at November 08, 2006 03:40 PM (T3Wz2)
Anyone who labels themselves "progressive" is typically immediately suspect of being one or more of the following:
-a subscriber to some extremist cause or another (code pink anyone?)
-a terrorist enabler who may or may not be intentionally undermining the security of America.
-an anti-semite (death to Israel anyone?)
You can thank the likes of Cindy Sheehan, Howard Dean and the "nutroots" for that, consider another title if you wish to be taken seriously.
And no, don't close the comments, the trolls are easy enough to ignore.
Posted by: blackflag at November 08, 2006 03:42 PM (Mq5jS)
Posted by: jesusland joe at November 08, 2006 03:51 PM (8PoNP)
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at November 08, 2006 03:58 PM (Oew5j)
Posted by: osamabinhiding at November 08, 2006 04:08 PM (ZxuJ4)
Posted by: Gleep! at November 08, 2006 04:29 PM (UHKaK)
Posted by: Joe Public at November 08, 2006 04:47 PM (InP41)
They give those here who have somehow come to the conclusion they're conservative something to rail at.
Trolls don't try to change minds; that is a waste of time and resources. But by pointing out inconsistencies in reasoning and outright lies, trolls willingly make themselves the target of bigots and reactionaries, confirming suspicions and providing a valuable outlet for self-righteous disgust.
Do away with trolls, Rusty, and you have nothing but people who sit around agreeing with each other. And I believe it was Henry Ford, industrialist and famous anti-Semite, who noted "When two people agree with each other all the time, one of them isn't needed." Or maybe it was Eisenhower.
Anyway, don't stop the comments.
Posted by: Gleep! at November 08, 2006 04:49 PM (UHKaK)
Please leave the comments open Rusty. Don't let these asswipes force the shutdown of the best part of this site.
Posted by: Graeme at November 08, 2006 04:51 PM (310uN)
No one wants to listen to your lectures.
We enjoy engaging each other in discourse.
If you drop the comment feature your site will die a quick death.
Posted by: Greg at November 08, 2006 05:08 PM (v7DMp)
Posted by: davec at November 08, 2006 05:11 PM (QkWqQ)
Consider this phrase stolen :-)
Actually what I call this "Greg" guy in his own language is "bin-Khinzir".
The prefix "bin" means son of, as in "bin Laden" meaning descendent of "Laden". And "Khinizir" means "Pig", so there you have it "Greg Bin-Khinzir" means "Greg descended of swines!"
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at November 08, 2006 05:52 PM (vixLB)
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17
Posted by: tbone at November 08, 2006 06:07 PM (HGqHt)
Posted by: Daniel Vargas at November 08, 2006 06:08 PM (wkRws)
Posted by: SeeMonk at November 08, 2006 07:00 PM (n4VvM)
Posted by: Greyrooster at November 08, 2006 07:18 PM (dk0ga)
Posted by: Greyrooster at November 08, 2006 07:20 PM (dk0ga)
You Iranians are taught to wipe your ass with three smooth stones.
Tell us, what was it like when you first discovered toilet paper?
Toilet paper is a gateway technology. You can't engineer a car to parallel park until you've discoverd TP.
Posted by: Greg at November 08, 2006 07:33 PM (19GwZ)
Posted by: Greg at November 08, 2006 07:42 PM (19GwZ)
Posted by: osamabinhiding at November 08, 2006 08:41 PM (ZxuJ4)
Poster 1: 'You're gay!"
Poster 2: "Well, you're gayer!!!11!!1!one!11 OMFG!!! I pwnd j00!!! R0x0rzz!!!"
Poster 1: "Well, I fucked your mom."
Strike my previous comment. Rusty - if this is the best that the comments get, lock the fucking things right down. They're increasingly banal, petty, and worthless.
Posted by: Joe Public at November 08, 2006 09:03 PM (InP41)
Posted by: Lyle Stevens at November 08, 2006 09:09 PM (wkRws)
And, for the record, it's 'whose'. 'Who's' is a contraction of 'who is'.
Posted by: Joe Public at November 08, 2006 09:22 PM (InP41)
Posted by: Chris Short at November 08, 2006 09:23 PM (0OCQY)
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at November 08, 2006 09:39 PM (1juA+)
The trolls are just gloating right now, anyway. Who cares? In a few days, they will all return to the echo chambers to hatch their plans. Impeachment.... hearings....more hearings......more hearings......some more hearings........then some more hearings..........while we laugh away at their stupidity, and how serious they take themselves. I say, get ready for more comedy than we have had since 1994. This will at least be interesting, if nothing more, and I predict these people will be their own worst enemies.
Posted by: jesusland joe at November 08, 2006 10:27 PM (8PoNP)
I've seen them destroy many news groups over in usenet. Kill them off. Make the site "registered members only".
They are not "fun". Think so? Switch over to "talk.politics.guns".
Posted by: Phillep at November 08, 2006 11:17 PM (8hl95)
I read in an earlier comment from a poster that she doesn't bring much to the table. I disagree. I feel the same way most times, But it makes me feel good to be able to post a comment here. Don't shut the comments down.
Posted by: REMF at November 09, 2006 12:29 AM (7RMSi)
To all: Greg is funny and gives someone to vent anger against. He adds to the Blog.
Puddleduck needs to move to KOS or Move on dot org and be with his own kind.
Those that post under anothers name should be banned.
Von Nostril has been coming around for years. When he takes his medication you can understand him. When he doesn't you can laugh at him.
Calling Greyrooster a troll is stupid. Since I am the longest contributing commenter on this blog. I don't believe anyone has been here as long as I. I have outlasted the John Ryans, the puddleducks, Vargas and other commie types. I am a racist. I'm right. I know it. Facts prove it. Time will prove it. I know where and who is responsible for the problems in our cities. I'm brave enough to face the issue and call a spade a spade. We have now over 370 murders in New Orleans since Katrina. One white man is accused of murdering his wife. A sports announcer. (guess he was hanging with the blacks) who have committed the 369 murders. Disputing this fact is stupid. The black mayor, the black chief of police, the black district attorney (who fired 40 white people and replaced them with 40 black people), (he's not racist) have failed to convict one murderer since Katrina. New Orleans has turned into an African nation. The blacks in New Orleans would elect O.J. Simpson mayor if he ran. Remember who danced in the streets. This is one reason why I am a racist. There's many, many more. Those who wish to grovel in fear of speaking out and deny this is a racial issue is as bad as the murderers. Stick your heads in the sand and perhaps you won't be the next victim. Bullshit.
Posted by: Greyrooster at November 09, 2006 05:34 AM (dk0ga)
Posted by: Greyrooster at November 09, 2006 05:36 AM (dk0ga)
Posted by: Greyrooster at November 09, 2006 05:39 AM (dk0ga)
Posted by: Greyrooster at November 09, 2006 05:41 AM (dk0ga)
Posted by: Greyrooster at November 09, 2006 05:45 AM (dk0ga)
Posted by: Greyrooster at November 09, 2006 07:36 AM (dk0ga)
You don't understand... even if the trolls come here they get educated against their will.
Libs are by nature dysfunctional and have no self worth, so they troll to look for a reason not to look in the mirror, while grasping for an aspect of personality. By all means, keep the comments open, consider it planting a seed in troubled minds... where else would the souls get knowledge?
Thank you for your sacrifices.
P.S. Greyrooster
You may be gray, but you're not a rooster.
Did they block your Spice Channel, did the Blade site go down or did you lose your tweezers and magnifying glass? Get help for that past molestation problem... they didn't mean to turn you out, just turn you on.
Posted by: Ali at November 09, 2006 07:52 AM (hDlfX)
Posted by: witch at November 09, 2006 09:25 AM (d1C6Y)
Posted by: Michael Scofield at November 09, 2006 04:36 PM (wkRws)
Posted by: Greyrooster at November 10, 2006 01:28 AM (iEtob)
Posted by: Alex at February 01, 2007 07:48 AM (s9CC5)
Posted by: Patrick60 at February 17, 2007 06:45 PM (gtBYX)
Posted by: Herbal Supplements at March 03, 2007 09:19 AM (I6mwD)
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