October 27, 2006

Arizona '9/11 Memorial' Protest Tomorrow

Curt from Flopping Aces wants to remind everyone about the rally tomorrow to protest the Arizona Fortress of Dhimmitude.

The so-called memorial is an example of ultra leftwing moral relativism at its most disgraceful, and is really a deliberate slap in the face to the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Posted by: Bluto at 12:31 PM | Comments (30) | Add Comment
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1 Go for some Al Sadr cock.

Posted by: Last gasp Larry at October 27, 2006 02:41 PM (Dd86v)

2 I don't know Greg, ask the KozKids. They have the same problem.

Posted by: Big White Infidel at October 27, 2006 02:42 PM (yyH7u)

3 Greg still can't resist the 7th grade foul mouth.

On topic - What I want to know is why has every 9/11 memorial so far
been some form of a crescent?  Don't these people see the stark
resemblance to the Muslim crescent?  Are they friggin blind? 
Why do they include narrative from several other issues not pertaining
at all the the 9/11 atrocity?  As far as I know a "memorial"
should be something to memorialize a particular person or
occurrance.  Not a platform to sound off on any number of other
gripes and issues.

Posted by: Oyster at October 27, 2006 03:04 PM (BGgmD)

4 I still think this one went under everyone's radar. One of the last quotes on this abomination was "Terrorist Organization Leader Addresses American People 10/24/2004." This was placed directly below "President Address Nation" on the 9/11 timeline. This of course gives equal standing to the President addressing the nation after the biggest attack since Pearl Harbor and a grainy video of a madman spouting rhetoric in a cave shown on Al Jazerra. Of course, the left holds that particular Osama tape in high regard because that was the October Suprise of the 2004 election. If it wasn't for that tape, Kerry would have won.

Posted by: BohicaTwentyTwo at October 27, 2006 03:25 PM (oC8nQ)

5 Is there a virtual protest? I can't get down there physically?

Posted by: Michael Weaver at October 27, 2006 03:40 PM (2OHpj)

6 Hey Greg, I'd like to see you say that to Stan's face. Tough little faggot when you're half way around the world. I've watched lefturd piece of shit trolls like you die in Israel, India and other countries and I'll see a lot more. You've probably already glued goat-hair on your ass so when the jihadis hit American soil, you can try to be the first one they assf%$k.

Posted by: Big White Infidel at October 27, 2006 03:56 PM (yyH7u)

7 Oyster,

The "crescent moon" shape is for the "moon"bats. It's a memorial for them, not the victims.

Posted by: Big White Infidel at October 27, 2006 04:00 PM (yyH7u)

8 What I want to know is why has every 9/11 memorial so far
been some form of a crescent?

Exactly.  They can no longer chalk it up to coincidence.  The Left are for all intents and purposes a 5th column.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at October 27, 2006 04:15 PM (8e/V4)

9 I hear Sheik Hilali likes good head.

Posted by: Last gasp Larry at October 27, 2006 04:27 PM (Dd86v)

10 Fuck all of you.
You talk shit with me, expect it back.

Posted by: Greg at October 27, 2006 04:32 PM (/+dAV)

11 Greg, I seem to see your foul invective as the very first comment
here.  And if you get called out on the carpet for your idiocy, it
is not an invitation to get all 7th grade on us.  I realize it's
the best you can do, but I wouldn't advertise to everyone that your
brain in your head is the equivalent of a BB in a box car.

Posted by: Oyster at October 27, 2006 04:43 PM (BGgmD)

12 Oyster,
You idiot. Do you really think I wrote that?
Can't you tell a spoof post from a real one.
Get a brain.

You Nazis think you can say and do anything without consequences.
You fuck with people all over the world and expect them to lick your boots.
That's not how the animal kingdom works.
Get a clue.

Posted by: Greg at October 27, 2006 04:47 PM (19GwZ)

13 I see the offending quote has been removed.
Thank you.

Posted by: Greg at October 27, 2006 05:32 PM (19GwZ)

14 Gregturd, your very existence is offensive, and one of my greatest
regrets is that I won't get to watch you die you piece of shit.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at October 27, 2006 11:47 PM (v3I+x)

15 Impy,
Take this doll. Using this doll, can you show me what happened to you when you were a child?

Posted by: Greg at October 28, 2006 08:33 AM (19GwZ)

You fuck with people all over the world and expect them to lick your boots.

"We" fuck with people who fuck with us first.  For example, it's you, Greg, coming to this website to troll-- and thus you get fucked with back.  It's like that.   We can be your best friends or your worst enemies.  Your choice.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at October 28, 2006 08:44 AM (8e/V4)

17 Satanland,
Your pseudo-Christian death cult has been well documented so that your Phariseetic ways are known to all. Jesus knows you not.

You sense your own marginalization and flail wildly as you marinate in the stew of history.

Posted by: Greg at October 28, 2006 10:10 AM (19GwZ)

18 What pisses off people like Stan the infidel, Big white infidel and myself is that all our lives we have listened to peoples bullshit from afar. Then when they see us up close their attitude changes. I'm 6'5" 265 and they're bigger than me. Of course, not being a Christian I can sleep well after kicking some ass.

Posted by: Greyrooster at October 28, 2006 07:49 PM (Sc2TP)

19 Jesus knows you not.


that sounds just slightly judgmental, and shall I say...pharisaical.  The way terrorists (and their Leftwing apologists) attack America and then complain about how America wants them to lick our boots is almost as idiotic as the way you come to this website looking for a fight then complain when you get one.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at October 28, 2006 09:57 PM (8e/V4)

20 please stay on topic, we have a structure ( i cannot and will not call it by what it is intended to be ) it is not tax funded however its clearly insulting, why show a sign that we are this weak. 
In Arizona if you can buy gas for your truck under $3 then no ones gonna compain about anything. 115 degrees frys your brain.

Posted by: rob at October 28, 2006 11:11 PM (jaQRE)

21 Thy stroketh the serpent.

Posted by: Greg at October 29, 2006 08:38 AM (19GwZ)

22 Another senseless deletion. Post #1 before it was deleted by the delelte commie/hounds said this:  " How do I get the taste of Osama's cock out of my mouth? " to which I replyed: " Go for some Al Sadr cock. " Without the 1st post my reply appears a little retarded, gay and out of context. So, down with the deleters. That was really senseless.

Posted by: Last gasp Larry at October 29, 2006 06:32 PM (Dd86v)

23 thats why you do not donate money for this blog. Thankyou for posting your comments. From your comments and others, thats the reason i do not donate.

Posted by: rob at October 29, 2006 09:49 PM (jaQRE)

24 If you'd just lick my boots, greg, I'd be happy. Now get to work. I accidently stepped in some of your droppings in another post.

Posted by: Oyster at October 30, 2006 06:43 AM (YudAC)

25 Commentary and pictures on the blamemorial can be found on my blog at http://saynototheleft.blogspot.com

Posted by: Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder at October 30, 2006 08:05 AM (JQOQp)

26 Oyster,
Now, now, save that for Mr. Oyster.

Posted by: Greg at October 30, 2006 03:22 PM (/+dAV)

27 Greg:
The Nazis were socialists just like you. Why don't you call the other people on this thread muslims, or secular regressives? That would be as accurate as calling them Nazis.
Stop talking about sgroking serpents. You sound like Barney frank.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at October 30, 2006 04:02 PM (bLPT+)

28 Not only do I not donate on account of the deletions, but I think I'll stop commenting as well. Just leave the space for Star Wars:          IM    VS     the moonbats.

Posted by: Last gasp Larry at October 30, 2006 05:21 PM (Dd86v)

29 And they cry and wring their hands when they can't get their videos to stay up on Youtube! What goes around comes around!

Posted by: Last gasp Larry at October 30, 2006 05:31 PM (Dd86v)

30 Robat: Who the hell you think you are? Some of us don't like your comments any better than you like Larrys.

Posted by: Greyrooster at October 31, 2006 05:43 PM (mCJ+p)

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