November 02, 2006

African Taliban Threatens Ethiopia

The African Taliban are upset that during recent talks the Somali government and the rest of the world did not submit to their will. So in order to convince Ethiopia and other Christians to get in line, they will try their favorite tactic, blowing shit up.

International Herald Tribune:NAIROBI, Kenya: Extremists in Somalia have threatened to carry out suicide bombings in the Horn of Africa, the U.S. embassy in Nairobi said Thursday, the latest sign that the chaos in Somalia could engulf this volatile region.

The embassy, in a warning to Americans living or traveling in Kenya, said it has received reports of "extremist elements" targeting Kenya, Ethiopia and "surrounding countries," which it did not name.

"These threats specifically mention the execution of suicide explosions in prominent landmarks within Kenya and Ethiopia. American citizens are advised to remain vigilant and to use extreme caution when frequenting prominent public places," the statement said. A spokeswoman at the embassy said she had not seen the warning and could not comment.

Suicide attacks are exceedingly rare in Somalia. In September, Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf narrowly escaped a suicide car bomb; that was believed to be the first time such a tactic was used in the country…

…The U.S. embassy's warning came one day after talks collapsed between Somalia's official government and the Islamic group, which has taken over the capital, Mogadishu, and much of the country's south since June. The government, meanwhile, controls only the western city of Baidoa.

A leading member of the militia Thursday blamed Ethiopia for the breakdown.

Oh, and it's not just blow up anything, they want to blow up, you know, civilians and tourists. But they promise to murder Ethiopian civilians and tourists in a peaceful introspective sort of way. Islam demands no less.

Remember for the African Taliban (and most Islamic Radicals), their hirabah is always the other guys fault. They thought they might have been wrong once but they were mistaken.

Oyster asked for a map, here you go.

NPR:UCLA law professor Khaled Abu El Fadl is a controversial figure in the Arab world for his bruising missives against Islamic extremists.

"When I write an article speaking to extremists and convincing them that they are wrong theologically and morally and legally," says Abu El Fadl, "I consider my self in a state of jihad. I expect to be rewarded by God."

Both professor Abu El Fadl and Streusand have some practical advice for those still wishing to insult terrorists: Drop the 'J' word and use the 'H' word instead.

"The term in Islamic law which best describes the activities of al Qaeda is hirabah, which originally meant brigandage, but has a more general meaning as sinful warfare," says Streusand. "If our elected officials started saying 'This is a war against hirabis,' that would be more effective. It would certainly be better than using the term jihad or jihadis which is actively harmful."

Abu El Fadl believes this kind of language will actually resonate well in the Islamic world.

Posted by: Howie at 02:36 PM | Comments (29) | Add Comment
Post contains 504 words, total size 3 kb.

1 Just becouse US Embessy say so is true give me a break the fact is that Ethiopia and the rest of the Christians are the terrorrist and needs to be stoped becouse they are high on crack and child molestation look at Ethiopia they can not even them selfs and Somalis defeated them and their Christain felows more then ten times u dig

Posted by: Abdia at November 02, 2006 03:38 PM (BXpDr)

2 Howie,
Any word from the Illinois Taliban yet? The Texas Taliban has been mum so far.

Posted by: Greg at November 02, 2006 04:31 PM (v7DMp)

3 Nope but I did see one guy and his wife in a black burqa but that was the Kentucky Taliban.

Posted by: Darth Odie at November 02, 2006 04:33 PM (D3+20)

4 I'd be interested to know where Abdia is located to be so well informed on what's happening around Somalia.

Posted by: Oyster at November 02, 2006 04:42 PM (I+VdL)

5 H:"Nope but I did see one guy and his wife in a black burqa but that was the Kentucky Taliban."

That was his horse with a feeder bag on.

Posted by: Greg at November 02, 2006 04:44 PM (v7DMp)

6 Three way military intelligence co-operation signed:-

Tel Aviv, Isreal:- A pact that will enable Isreal to share military intelligence between the Island nation of Madagascar and the horn of African country of Ethiopia has been signed on October 27, 2006. According to the agreement Israli security officials will be training Ethiopian and Madagascar security officials in countering infiltration and terrorisim. Ethiopia, that is in a war foot with its northern and southern neighbours fears terrorist attacks in its cities and landmarks coming, especially from Somali jihadists. Madagascar, a well known transit stop for illicit drug traffickers also seeks to share Isreali security officials experience to catch drug traffic agents and to control their infiltration of its borders.

Isreali Defence Forces have been training Ethiopian air force pilots for the last 48 years. The Jewish people and the Ethiopians have a long relationship that dates back thousands of years. After the nation of Isreal established in 1948, Ethiopia was the only African nation to accept the Jewish state as a sovereign nation. Thousands of Ethiopian jews live in Isreal as part of Isreal's 'right to return' (aliah) policy. Madagascar is one of the handful African nations that has a full diplomatic relationship with Isreal.

Humm....this could be a good news for us, Ethiopians. In order to ptotect ourselves from these barberic murderers, we need all kinds of help we can get from the civilized world.

Posted by: Benjamin at November 02, 2006 04:47 PM (LMrXC)

7 Even Greg gets lucky and comes with a good one.

Posted by: Greyrooster at November 02, 2006 04:58 PM (cNF2m)

8 Oyster

The U.S. embassy's warning came one day after talks collapsed between
Somalia's official government and the Islamic group, which has taken
over the capital, Mogadishu, and much of the country's south since
June. The government, meanwhile, controls only the western city of

Another interesting thing Juba is also a city there.  In the south.

I'll look around and see what I can find.

Posted by: Darth Odie at November 02, 2006 04:58 PM (D3+20)

Posted by: Darth Odie at November 02, 2006 05:02 PM (D3+20)

10 Don't see a city by that name?

Posted by: Darth Odie at November 02, 2006 05:06 PM (D3+20)

11 "Ethiopian leader warns on Islamists" & so & so_ a fake signal by Zenawi

Dear editor,
This warning is a fake signal by Meles Zenawi to make business and don't echo it without giving due attention to the reality on the ground. The Zenawi regime is on the verge of collapse and is seeking some business to bail him out, so he has to provoke war to receive fund from those delusionned by "terrorism". It seems he temporarily successes to secure some fund to strengthen his war machine to massacre his dissents at home.

If it were not for Zenawi's involvement, the court could not rally significant support from Somalis and would not survive its own internal contradiction. The Somalis are too liberal by nature to get easily subdued to such radical belief. If the businessman, Zenawi, withdraws from the premises, the Somalis will take care of the court without any assistance from outside. If at all terrorism were to prosper in this country, the past turbulent years in Somalia was the best time not now; therefore let us condemn the brutal dictator Meles Zenawi for his act of instigating war in the region and withdraw his forces immediately and he should be told, the cold war era has changed and he can not win this game and be rewarded.

Please refer to ethiomedia and websites to find out the Meles regime’s sponsored religious conflict and the massacre of Christians by his undercover agents to “convince” the world that Islam radicalism has already taken root in Ethiopia.

Thank you

Posted by: annonymus at November 02, 2006 05:09 PM (nuqJL)

12 Who is the retard Muslim? I'm not talking about you, Greg, even if the retard comment does fit.

Posted by: jesusland joe at November 02, 2006 05:18 PM (rUyw4)

13 Sorry Oyster I'm kinda dense.  Thought Abdia was a city.  to answer your question Abdia is in Kansas.
So that was the Kansas Taliban.

Posted by: Darth Odie at November 02, 2006 05:23 PM (D3+20)

14 Jeez Darth,
Don't you know women have enough trouble reading maps even if you don't hand it to them upside down?

Posted by: Greg at November 02, 2006 05:28 PM (v7DMp)

15 STFU beotch Just give me few minutes here.

Posted by: Darth Odie at November 02, 2006 05:31 PM (D3+20)

16 "Abu El Fadl believes this kind of language will actually resonate well in the Islamic world."
Yeah, right. Semantics is the key to winning this fight and Greg has a spinal chord. Who the f**k is he kidding? The horn of Africa needs to be erased off the map. MOABs can make this happen in a nice, conventional kind of way. This Islamic threat needs to be stopped before it walks right up and knocks on our door.

Posted by: Jack's Smirking Revenge at November 02, 2006 05:45 PM (DlfZ3)

17 Again.

Posted by: Jack's Smirking Revenge at November 02, 2006 05:46 PM (DlfZ3)

18 Just using a new term I learned.

Posted by: Darth Odie at November 02, 2006 05:47 PM (D3+20)

19 be careful editor, you have a jihad sympathizer in here! lol

The guy who posted anti ethiopia comment on this board is trying to do what the jihadist somali terrorists declared.
From what i read on, the plan of the jihadist extremists is to separate the Ethiopian government from its christian people and from the Western governments. So their strategy is just to spread negativity about the Ethiopian government.

Dear Ethiopian christians, we understand what you are facing!! We give you our blessings and our support to destroy as many jihadists as possible!

God bless America and its new ally, Ethopia

The world will one day be free from extremists and be in peace!

Posted by: David. G at November 02, 2006 07:45 PM (UKevH)

20 Dream on.

Posted by: Greyrooster at November 03, 2006 07:38 AM (cNF2m)

21 You stupid ididot, the liberation fighters you call "Talibans" in Somalia have give more freedom and peace in Soamalia more than anyone else in the last 20 years. Do you think a starved nation and US puppet regine like Ethiopis can bring peace and stability in Somalia... Give me a break! I think you should lay off doing you crack and ger a real job!!!!

Posted by: U_idiot at November 03, 2006 08:27 AM (iYPEX)

22 You stupid ididot, the liberation fighters you call "Talibans" in Somalia have give more freedom and peace in Soamalia more than anyone else in the last 20 years. Do you think a starved nation and US puppet regine like Ethiopis can bring peace and stability in Somalia... Give me a break! I think you should lay off doing you crack and ger a real job!!!!

Posted by: U_idiot at November 03, 2006 08:27 AM (iYPEX)

23 You stupid ididot, the liberation fighters you call "Talibans" in Somalia have give more freedom and peace in Soamalia more than anyone else in the last 20 years. Do you think a starved nation and US puppet regine like Ethiopis can bring peace and stability in Somalia... Give me a break! I think you should lay off doing you crack and ger a real job!!!!

Posted by: U_idiot at November 03, 2006 08:27 AM (iYPEX)

24 I know at one point the half starved ethiopians will rign on the somal talibans and that will be the end of jihadist in africa. they tought they found a scape goat to heal their wound by attacking weak country like ethiopia. but they are wrong all wrong -

Posted by: annonymus at November 03, 2006 09:33 AM (Rowx4)

25 I know at one point the half starved ethiopians will rign on the somal talibans and that will be the end of jihadist in africa. they tought they found a scape goat to heal their wound by attacking weak country like ethiopia. but they are wrong all wrong -

Posted by: annonymus at November 03, 2006 09:34 AM (Rowx4)

26 Have a look at the following images from southwest Ethiopia on the recent massacre of christians.  I think the african taliban may have inspired it.

Posted by: ReligionOfPeace? at November 03, 2006 11:24 AM (F1nba)

27 Ignore the date on the pictures.  The setting on the camera may not have been done properly.

Posted by: ReligionOfPeace? at November 03, 2006 11:27 AM (F1nba)

28 U Idiot: You muslim assholes just get dumber and dumber by the day. I guess when you follow the teachings of a dumb ass pedophile what can be expected. Mohammed sucks and so do you.

Posted by: Greyrooster at November 03, 2006 11:28 AM (cNF2m)

29 The dumber than dumberers were intentionally setting the date on the camera as part of their fauxtography to make it look current. Just a bit too current, the dumb asses!

Posted by: Last gasp Larry at November 03, 2006 09:06 PM (Dd86v)

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