July 28, 2006

The group is already receiving the aid of Arab and other non-Somali mujahadin--including al Qaeda linked fighters. Already a safe-haven for international terrorists and funded by Gulf and Sudanese oil money, it will not be long before news reports pick up the fact that training camps are being established and the flow of arms to the Islamists is increasing.
Above: AP photo of suspected arms being flown in to Mogadishu. The airplane is a Soviet Ilyushin Il-76 with Kazakhstani national airline markings. The Il-76 is one of the world's largest airplanes
Like the Afghan Taliban before them, the Islamists in Somalia deny any link or support of terrorism. And just like Afghanistan, the evidence is overwhelming to the contrary. Again, the U.N. and world community takes the word of terrorists that they are not, in fact, terrorists.
The interim Somali government--which has no authority anyway--is about to fall based on its failure to officially back the Islamist militias who are now imposing sharia law on most of the country.
War now looms between Somalia and its Islamist allies in Eretrea, and Christian Ethiopia. Ethiopian troops are already said to be inside Somalia.
And the U.N.? As usual, the main concern of the U.N. is peace at all costs. Even if that cost is the freedom of Somalis and the establishment of a new safe-haven where the jihad can be exported across the Horn of Africa and beyond.
The holy warriors receiving support in Somalia today will be the mujahadin fighting in Southern Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, & Djibouti tomorrow. From there it will move across Africa, probably first to Nigeria where sharia is already imposed in the north.
Then, before the world is even aware of the conflict, New York City.
Israel can defeat Hezbollah without our help, but if Ethiopia does not begin to receive MASSIVE amounts of U.S. military aid IMMEDIATELY, then a far larger problem looms on the horizon.
The U.S. already has troops stationed in Djibouti.
The fifth column at the Council of Islamic Relations, predictably, calls the takeover of Somalia by the Islamists a positive change (via Charles Johnson). Let me repeat that, CAIR calls the takeover of a country by an al Qaeda linked grouped a positive change.
Let that sink in for a moment.
This is VERY bad news. Eritrea may be the conduit for which arms are beginning to flow--with the help of Kazakhstan, but the real problem is in Sudan and in Saudi Arabia. VOA:
For the second time this week, a large plane arrived in the Islamists-controlled Somali capital of Mogadishu Friday, carrying an unknown cargo. But many people believe it contains weapons from Eritrea, which the Islamist leadership in Somalia denies. VOA Correspondent Alisha Ryu in Mogadishu says, reports of military activity by rivals Eritrea and Ethiopia in Somalia are fueling fears of a proxy war.I highly suggest reading the rest of this post below, and immediately contacting your Congressperson. Defeating the Islamists in Africa is just about the last thing on their minds in this election year.A Russian-made Illuyshin-76 cargo plane touched down early Friday morning at the recently reopened Mogadishu airport. It had the same Kazakhstan Airways markings as a plane that landed Wednesday.
In both cases, there was extraordinary security. Islamic militiamen sealed off all roads and prevented curious on-lookers from gathering near the facility. But some eyewitnesses said that they saw several large trucks leaving the airport in a convoy a short while after the plane landed.
The arrival of the two planes this week is fueling speculation among Somalis that neighboring Eritrea is helping to arm Somali Islamists, who are facing a possible showdown with Ethiopian troops, believed to be protecting the country's secular and highly vulnerable interim government, which has its headquarters 250 kilometers away in the town of Baidoa.
Below: AFP reporters captured this picture of the arms transfer.
If this part of the article is true, then we are in bigger trouble than I thought. Hopefully, this is just State Department speak while Defense, as usual, does the important work.
The United States has urged Somalis to seek a dialogue, aimed at creating a unity government, and has called on Ethiopia and Eritrea to avoid any actions, which could hamper that effort.Meanwhile, Somali ministers and parliamentarians are being shot in the street. Reuters:
Gunmen shot dead a Somali minister outside a mosque on Friday, triggering riots by pro-government protesters who threw rocks and burned tyres at the interim administration's provincial base of Baidoa.And it wouldn't be al Reuters if the spirit of Santayana didn't haunt these words:Witnesses said assailants opened fire on Constitution and Federalism Minister Abdallah Deerow Isaq as he left prayers -- an attack sure to heighten tensions in the violence-plagued Horn of Africa nation which many fear is sliding toward war.....
Other sources in Baidoa, however, said one [suspect in the killing] was a young Muslim fundamentalist based at the same mosque.
Born out of sharia courts created from the mid-1990s to restore some order to Mogadishu during a period of anarchy and violence, the Islamists defeated U.S.-backed warlords in Mogadishu and have since expanded to take other towns.Just like Kabul ca. 1994.
The U.N.? Feckless, as usual. Relief Web:
The senior United Nations envoy to Somalia appealed for calm today in the strife-torn African country after gunmen assassinated the Minister for Constitutional and Federal Affairs Abdallah Deerow Isaaq outside a mosque, and he announced he will attend an urgent regional meeting called to discuss the worsening situation.....We do not need dialogue, we need victory against the Islamists before they successfully turn Somalia into a regional and world threat.Yesterday, Mr. Fall wrote to the chairman of the Executive Council of Islamic Courts to reiterate his call for a resumption of peace talks with the Transitional Federal Government. He also stressed the UN’s commitment to pursuing all avenues for peace and reconciliation through dialogue in Somalia, which has not had a functioning government since President Muhammad Siad Barre’s regime was toppled in 1991.
From the AP:
A Islamic Courts Militia stand on Personnel Armoured Vehicle guarding the Villa Somalia, Thrusday, July 27, 2006. The Islamic militia that has seized the capital along with much of southern Somalia said Thursday it was setting up a religious court inside the vast compound that once served as the presidential palace.AP photo at an anti-Ethiopia rally in Mogadishu. The sign reads Whoever let Ethiopians in Somalia is Evil
Another image from the same rally. Please deny that this is jihad. I dare you. The banner is a verse from the Quran.
Meanwhile, Ethiopia rightfully accuses Eritrea of supporting al Qaeda linked groups. EITB:
Addis Ababa regards the Islamists as terrorists linked to both al Qaeda and the Somali radical group al-Itihaad al-Islaami, which was all but obliterated by Ethiopian forces in the 1990s.Here is part of a larger Jamestown Foundation analysis:"The Eritrean government is actively supporting the al-Itihaad and al Qaeda extremist leaders who oppose the widely accepted and recognized transitional government," an Ethiopian Ministry of Information statement said.
"If there is anyone who is reluctant to support peace and stability in Somalia, it is only the Eritrean government that is trying to disturb the region by allying itself with extremist elements," the statement added.
Addis Ababa denies its troops are in Somalia, while Asmara denies funnelling military aid to the Islamists
The ICU [Islamic Courts Union] and the AIAI [al-Ittihad al-Islami--behind Blackhawk Down incident, African embassy bombings--Somalian al Qaeda] are different entities, yet the former appears to have grown out of the latter, bequeathing some of its characteristics in the new body. Ideologically, the ICU and AIAI share many similarities. While the ICU wants an Islamic state in Somalia in the short term governed by Sharia law, media reports allege that the Islamic courts are eyeing a bigger Islamic state in the long term carved out of East Africa, similar to the old goals of AIAI, which wanted to create an Islamic state out of Somalia and Ethiopia. The ICU is also radical in approach, sustains a charity wing and has militias just as AIAI once did.....WAKE. UP. WORLD.At the moment, analysts agree the demarcation between the two is thin. According to Ato Medhane Tadesse who works for Center for Policy Research and Dialogue, a local Ethiopian think-tank, the first courts were established by AIAI and multiplied as the organization loosened control. Tadesse told the Addis Ababa Reporter on July 15 that the Somali people supported the courts because they brought peace and stability. "They were better than warlords," he said. According to the analyst, former AIAI leaders oriented the courts in an Islamic way, controlled them and gave them ideological direction and brought in military mobilization. The courts, like AIAI, have a social wing known as al-Islah, and is largely viewed as reformist. It provides clinics, schools, roads and support for children.
In light of these similarities, many East African countries consider the ICU takeover of Somalia a threat. The East African, a regional weekly based in Nairobi, reported that the ICU, having seized control of southern Somalia, plans to use local elements to destabilize Kenya. The weekly quoted Somaliland Representative Saad Noor, who was in Washington on July 11, and warned the U.S. Congress that the ICU wanted to first conquer all of Somalia and then declare it an Islamic state. The next step would be to topple and control Somaliland, a territory in northwestern Somalia that declared its independence from larger Somalia when the country descended into chaos following the collapse of Barre's dictatorship. The next step, according to this representative, would be to topple Kenya and Ethiopia, two other secular states who are Somalia's neighbors.
The same publication quoted David Shinn, former U.S. ambassador to Ethiopia, now a specialist in East African affairs, on July 11 telling a U.S. subcommittee that some leaders of the ICU militias wanted to re-energize the greater Somalia concept by incorporating into Somalia Somali-inhabited areas in Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti. As Shinn explained, this would happen if the Islamists come to be dominated by extremist elements and succeeded in consolidating power throughout Somalia. "It will be only a matter of time before Kenya becomes subject to Somali irredentism," Shinn said. Evidence of this consolidation came on July 20, when ICU fighters advanced toward Baidoa, the seat of the TFG. The TFG, an authority created for Somalia two years ago through the efforts of Kenya and the United Nations, failed to be accepted at the grassroots level in Somalia. By the ICU's advance toward Baidoa, it is clear that the ICU wants to consolidate their rule throughout Somalia.
East African countries cannot throw caution into the wind if recent events associated with Islamic fundamentalism are something to go by. Although radical AIAI activities have generally been recorded in Ethiopia, the group is blamed for the 1993 deaths of 18 U.S. soldiers killed in Mogadishu. Furthermore, it is alleged that the al-Qaeda terrorists who destroyed the U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam used Somalia as a staging area.
Posted by: Rusty at
07:27 PM
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Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at July 28, 2006 03:50 PM (vixLB)
Posted by: Cmunk at July 28, 2006 03:58 PM (7teJ9)
Posted by: Rusty at July 28, 2006 04:02 PM (x+8Rs)
I wonder about that too. The plane was from Khazakhstan which borders both Iran and Afghanistan (if I'm not mistaken) and both of these countries could've been potential hiding places for UBL. In fact the Mullah's ruling Iran don't even try to hide the fact that UBL's son is staying there (or at least he was until recently). My guess is that UBL was in Iran until Zarqawi was killed and that the Shiite Mullah's finally decided they couldn't come to an agreement with this Sunni and made him leave. This in turn might explain why UBL ordered his hordes in Iraq to declare open season on the Shiite's following Zarqawi's death. So the Sunni Muslim country of Khazakhstan could've offered UBL a temporary hiding place until he could be transported to the newest seat of Al-Qaeda/Talibanism power Somalia; there to set up his new Califite. Maybe!
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at July 28, 2006 04:20 PM (vixLB)
Posted by: Rusty at July 28, 2006 04:38 PM (x+8Rs)
Posted by: RepJ at July 28, 2006 04:40 PM (uy3W4)
My mistake Khazakhstan does not border Iran or Afghanistan directly but it is close to both countries.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at July 28, 2006 04:47 PM (vixLB)
Posted by: Rusty at July 28, 2006 05:00 PM (x+8Rs)
Blackhawk down.
However arming Ethiopia with the most modern weapons to kill the Somali Taliban is something I am for!
Posted by: Barry 0351 at July 28, 2006 05:26 PM (Ok807)
Posted by: jesusland joe at July 28, 2006 05:58 PM (rUyw4)
I'm hankerin' for a fresh fatwa.
Posted by: Aaron's cc: at July 28, 2006 06:16 PM (ov6Vw)
Posted by: Rusty at July 28, 2006 06:32 PM (x+8Rs)
Posted by: Sol King at July 28, 2006 06:52 PM (POE6U)
Yeah, that worked out just great for everyone.......
Posted by: Rusty at July 28, 2006 07:07 PM (x+8Rs)
First of all,i'd like to tell you that i'm chritian but i also have muslim relatives.
When you talk about Ethiopia,the majority of the people(more than 60%) are muslim.And in my opinion,please don't say ethiopia is a chritian country.
Secondly,the ruling party of ethiopia:EPRDF is a front who many gangsters gathered together;which dosn't have a future for its people;very hated;and tries to draw attention of the world as the champion of terrorist fighting.But actual sense,it is terrorist for its own people.So PM Meles Zenawiis trying to misled the international community,especially The United States.As the respected Herman Cohn said,the ruling governing front is misinforming and the international community most importantly the United States of America.So try to invetigate the behaviour of the Front insead of raising it as anti-terrorist allie.Thank you.
Posted by: michael at July 28, 2006 07:18 PM (naVDl)
Not that I'm suggesting anything, mind you.
Posted by: Oscar Goldman at July 28, 2006 07:20 PM (5PRM2)
Posted by: jesusland joe at July 28, 2006 08:20 PM (rUyw4)
But, based on the patheticly incompetent handling of the somalia/Islamist affair by the state or defense department(you take your pick)...most of you might havd a job there.
One fact often omitted in the reports on somalia is how the US ignorantly backed a bunch of warlords thugs against the Islamicist, and lost.
Then to make matters worse the bumbling American officials once again imcompetenly gave tacit backing for the ethiopians to roll their tanks into Somalia,, further deligitmating the so-called transitional Somali governmen and giving the Islamicist a ralling cry.
Now, once again we have the bufoons from the state/defense department going for a three-peat by "urging" the Islamicists, you know...the ones they had bet their money against and lost terribly to come to the negotiating table.
What a joke!!
Posted by: sammy at July 28, 2006 08:23 PM (TNcIf)
If you had been reading this webpage, you would know that we know all about what has been going on.
We backed some losers and they lost.
But I would rather back thugs on OUR side than the much more dangerous thugs against us.
It is erroneous to believe that if we just "talk" to the Islamists that they will play nice. They won't. And when they impose sharia over Ethiopia after arming themselves to the teeth during a protraccted hudna, then you and all the peacenicks will be crying foul because we legitimized them by dealing with them.
There is only one way to deal with the Salaafist of this ilk: kill them.
They are MUCH worse than any alternative imaginable.
Posted by: Rusty at July 28, 2006 08:55 PM (x+8Rs)
Posted by: jesusland joe at July 28, 2006 09:07 PM (rUyw4)
Some time ago President Bush made a most admirable statement; he said "In the long run there is NO trading liberty for security". I think he was talking about the moral mistake of backing some two bit thug to confront another two bit thug. They are both thugs! To hell with them both! The thug who might be your bed-fellow out of expediency today can be your mortal enemy tomorrow (case in point Saddam). Thuggery MUST BE MET with force. To put it in your vernacular there are only two things to do with a thug:
a) kill them
b) make him your b*tch!
Abiding them is not an option.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at July 28, 2006 09:23 PM (Bp6wV)
Posted by: EG at July 28, 2006 09:24 PM (qo1SU)
Posted by: Howie at July 28, 2006 09:24 PM (D3+20)
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at July 28, 2006 09:36 PM (Bp6wV)
So in effect.... you are argueing for the same kind of incoherent cold war geopolitics practiced by Reagan who infamously said "he may be a dictator...but he is our dictator"...
When will you learn from your mistakes....it is that type of nonsensical manoveuring that gives rise to some of these fanatics.
How about you let the Somalians decide their own fates...whatever that is...and only take action when they attempt something...
or you can play this idiotic doctrine of pre-emptive strike...kill all the somalians...and then piss of even more people that will want to kill you
Posted by: samm at July 28, 2006 09:50 PM (TNcIf)
BUT NOW...Things are different now, right!
Posted by: sammy at July 28, 2006 09:56 PM (TNcIf)
Posted by: gash2go@hotmail.com at July 28, 2006 10:00 PM (+0nIo)
Posted by: gash2go@hotmail.com at July 28, 2006 10:00 PM (+0nIo)
Posted by: gash2go@hotmail.com at July 28, 2006 10:00 PM (+0nIo)
Posted by: jesusland joe at July 28, 2006 11:12 PM (rUyw4)
The war in Somalia is nothing new people, it is merely a capitalist extension of the Somali civil war that started back in 1977. It started out as more of a war between clans, not necessarily ideology. The war in Somali is merely a chess game whose factions are ready to sacrifice their pawns. As with most conflicts in Africa (and around the world), they can last for decades. Whoever wins, the Somali and Ethiopian people might still lose. A conflict as old as Somalis may might as well last past our lifetimes. This war is a tragedy, just like the Second Congo War where the average twelve year old has seen more combat than a U.S. Army Ranger.
Posted by: anarchistmanifesto at July 28, 2006 11:35 PM (0YuQ9)
Posted by: jesusland joe at July 28, 2006 11:46 PM (rUyw4)
Did you miss the point that his son was also a United States Marine? and educated in the United States -- that is why the U.S believed he would be a better person to deal with.
Posted by: davec at July 29, 2006 12:14 AM (voZp6)
B. No irony at all - there is a hierarchy of shit in the world and the Muzzies are currently top-pig.
C. Hussein Ferrah Aidid is a pussy just like Daddy Aidid. Plus he was a shitty Marine from what I have heard.
D. What I find ironic Sparky is that al-Qā'idah was helping the warlords.
Posted by: Barney Coppersmith at July 29, 2006 12:15 AM (2BOvC)
Posted by: anarchistmanifesto at July 29, 2006 12:41 AM (0YuQ9)
Posted by: anarchistmanifesto at July 29, 2006 12:47 AM (0YuQ9)
Pussy - just like:
"I mean General Mohamed Farah Adid in Somalia, for example, in 1993, we know for a fact that he dressed up as a woman sometimes."
Posted by: Barney Coppersmith at July 29, 2006 01:14 AM (2BOvC)
It shame on Eritrean leadership who are trying to instigate a religious war in the horn. They think that the fire only burns Ethiopia. They are mistaken , it will burn them too. It is a great miscaulculation on the part of Eritrean leadership to use the extremests as a vendetta on Ethiopia due to the loss?? of a small plot of land (Badme) in the norther frontiers of the two countries. They have terrebily miscalculated. For now ,the war appeaars to be enevitable,but it remains to be seen who would come out victoriously.
Posted by: tilahun at July 29, 2006 02:09 AM (Hzi74)
It shame on Eritrean leadership who are trying to instigate a religious war in the horn. They think that the fire only burns Ethiopia. They are mistaken , it will burn them too. It is a great miscaulculation on the part of Eritrean leadership to use the extremests as a vendetta on Ethiopia due to the loss?? of a small plot of land (Badme) in the norther frontiers of the two countries. They have terrebily miscalculated. For now ,the war appeaars to be enevitable,but it remains to be seen who would come out victoriously.
Posted by: tilahun at July 29, 2006 02:10 AM (Hzi74)
It is true the brotherly people of Ethiopia and Eritrea have similar mix of Christian and Muslims. Both countries have culture of tolerance and Muslims and Christians co-exist respecting each other. As Ethiopians and Eritreans have common heritage, history will show they will have common destiny.
Though there were wars between Somalia and Ethiopian government, I found Somalis are friendly people much related to Ethiopians and Eritreans. Unfortunately, Somalia has been left alone in anarchy for two decades and became hatching ground of religious terrorist who have shown there capability in conducting regional attacks. The current leader of the group that controls Mogadishu was responsible in blasting two hotels with explosives in Addis Ababa and one in Harar and the other in Dredwa and for death of several civilians. Somalis have the right to be ruled by Sharia if they like and no body has the right to interfere in their destiny , but they should not make a terrorist who does not respect international law their leader. Otherwise thier call of other countres not to interfre in thier affairs will be in vain.
It is surprising to see that the Erterean President Esyas Afeworkie passing the red line in playing with relgious terrorist, though I can understand his contempt to his former allies in Addis Ababa. Is he trying to set Ethiopia in fire?. If yes as I blieve, the sutainibility of Ethiopian opposition groups dependent on handouts from Eritrea will be questionable. Lastly, such type of fire will not stop in Ethiopia before reaching Eritrea.
Peace to the Horn of Africa !
Posted by: Selam at July 29, 2006 03:48 AM (eq5uv)
It should be noted that the desperate move by the Eritrean govt to distabilze Ethiopia is futile.First you have to know that i think most of the Somali people are against any extremist ideologies and the jihadists are getting ground by the assistance they are getting from countries like eritrea and its mad dog leader.
One last thing do you know Ethiopian history???
The Ethiopian lions always unite and defeat their national enemies.
Posted by: ANBESSAW at July 29, 2006 03:55 AM (bFpCL)
Posted by: Franco at July 29, 2006 06:05 AM (2tNv9)
I don't know where he got this figure. LoOks to me he just pulled straight out of his rear end.
First I want to point out that Eritreans in general pose as a genuine Ethiopians whenever they think they can tarnish Ethiopia's image - sick but true. Back in the 80s they used to destroy Ethiopian history related books in western university libraries. When cought doing something illegal they claim they are Ethiopian - as sick as it sounds. I couldn't help moving on w/o pointing this out.
back to the topic. I disagreed with the current Ethiopian government on many issued but I never did on the issue of Somalia. I think it is ABSOLUTELY important that Ethiopians actively chase and disrupt ANY form of extreme radical-Islamic government inside somalia or anywhere in the horn for that matter. If the world don't wake up by now, I don't know what its gonna take. The radical Islamists are out for the kill and unless you destroy'em while young, you will end up having another Hezbollah near you in Somalia. Radical Islam is like a virus and it needs a host and the host is the people its hiding in. Looney liberals (I am no conservative btw) think this as public support for the Islamists - I hear this crap on TV as "Hezbollah has support in this and that community - in Lebanon that is. That is NOT a support, it just shows you that the people are CAPTIVES of the freakin Islamists. It is the same thing happening in Somalia. I hear stupid comments as "The ICU has a strong support in Mogadishu etc ..." That is not a support to me. The people have NO choice since they are CAPTIVES and have NO where to turn to if they have an alternative view. What kind of ideology prevents people from watching TV like a very horrible TV show called the world cup?? - its just unbelievable to me!
bottomline Ethiopia needs to be armed (well already has, IMO) and be supported in any way to invade and eliminate the Islamo-facism in Somalia in its infancy. CHRISTIAN Ethiopia (if you have a problem with that tell me when and where you read about muslim Ethiopia in its entire history, Ahmed Gragn? he was DEFETATED ) CANNOT afford to have a fanatic Islam next door with its leaders declaring Jihad every time they take a piss. Besides Islamic terrorism Ethiopia needs to protect its Ogaden region (still claimed by ICU - as pathetic as it may sound ) and make sure that any future Somali govt CLEARLY recognise that. Benjamin Netanyahu once said, "a peace that is not secured is not a peace" Israel had to deal with almost EXACTLY PARALLEL situation where an Islamic fanatic claims an Israeli territory and carries out Terrorist actions and controls an ungoverned land in a country where there is NO effective government- does this ring the bell? Nomatter how much I isagree with its domastic policies of the government in Ethipoia it is absolutely important that people support the Ethiopian government in this effort. Islamo-facism is REAL and people need to wake up and deal with it DECISIVELY!
Posted by: ChristianEthiopia at July 29, 2006 07:14 AM (cdeJb)
Posted by: Abdikarim at July 29, 2006 09:12 AM (WqOV6)
Posted by: pivalleygirl at July 29, 2006 09:42 AM (BQRI6)
Posted by: mesfin kokeb at July 29, 2006 10:00 AM (JhanT)
Posted by: mesfin kokeb at July 29, 2006 10:01 AM (JhanT)
Posted by: mesfin kokeb at July 29, 2006 10:01 AM (JhanT)
Posted by: mesfin kokeb at July 29, 2006 10:01 AM (JhanT)
Posted by: mesfin kokeb at July 29, 2006 10:01 AM (WCfMy)
Posted by: mesfin kokeb at July 29, 2006 10:01 AM (JhanT)
Posted by: mesfin kokeb at July 29, 2006 10:01 AM (WCfMy)
Posted by: mesfin kokeb at July 29, 2006 10:02 AM (JhanT)
Posted by: mesfin kokeb at July 29, 2006 10:02 AM (WCfMy)
Posted by: mesfin kokeb at July 29, 2006 10:02 AM (WCfMy)
...Just so i can save you the trouble, the IUC wants to recreate an islamic state by taking land from all it's adjacent states, including Kenya...And Ethiopia is the only one standing up to the threat...
Like it or not Jihadist are next door; either you confront them now or you will suffer the consequence later.
Posted by: Charlie ES at July 29, 2006 11:30 AM (Fjjhi)
I do not think it is the right time now to question the legitimacy of Meles's leadership at this crucial time. He and his crew are the only ones capable of averting this danger. Not Hailu Shawel not anybody for that matter. If there is anyone who thinks Ethiopia should not be involved in this conflict, then he must be really naive. The ICU is a threat not only to Ethiopia(christian or muslim), but to the whole world.
Ethiopia will fight them. And, take my word, they will perish.
Posted by: Jiji at July 29, 2006 11:59 AM (IEN+N)
You are the ignoramouses that I talked about before..
The Iran-Iraq war was ocurred in the late 70's early 80's...and at that time the US supported Saddam...
EU had nothing to do with it...
Considering how little you know...Please shut the F_ _ k up!
Posted by: sammy at July 29, 2006 04:56 PM (TNcIf)
Another ignorant or misleading charge.
First of all, It was Eritrea that sounded the alarm about Islamicist extremists which the Sudanese government of Bashir(which was being accused by the Bush administration of "genocide" against it's own people) was trying to export to Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Ethiopia back in 1996.
It was about this time when Sudan was hosting various terrrist groups including Osama.
At that time Eritrea was one of the few that was one the so-called frontline.
Second, ethiopia currently supports Eritrean opposition groups which include "Eritrean Islamic jihad, which have close links to al-queda"..so I find it rather dis-ingenious for them to claim Eritrea is "supporting al-queda".
Third, Eritrea is actually the only country in the horn that has tried to creat stability in the horn. Half the Eritrean population is moslem...so it would hardly support something that would engulf them too.
Fourth, Eritrea did not loss "badme"...and international tribunal vindicated Eritea when they said badme was Eritrean. RIGHT NOW, DEMARCATION HASN'T BEEN ABLE TO PROCEED BECAUSE ETHIOPIA REFUSES TO ABIDE BY THE BINDING AGREEMENT, IN CONTRAVENTION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW.
So it is Ethiopia, not Eritrea, which is the source on instability in the horn.
Lastly, what some of you advocate, ethiopia going into somalia, us help etc....has been tried...with great failure. Ethiopia is Somalia's arch enemy...sending them in...would be like sending the Israeli's to Iraq to help pacify the locals.
Posted by: sammy at July 29, 2006 05:21 PM (TNcIf)
Updated: 7:28 a.m. ET July 29, 2006
BAIDOA, Somalia - Somalia's prime minister on Saturday accused Egypt, Libya and Iran of providing weapons for Islamic militants who have seized control of much of this country's south.
"Egypt, Libya and Iran, whom we thought were friends, are engaged in fueling the conflict in Somalia by supporting the terrorists," Prime Minister Mohammed Ali Gedi said, citing unnamed sources within his government.
First they accuse Eritrea. Now...they're accusing these countries of supporting these terrorists.
Ethiopia accuses Eritrea of being allied with the Islamicist in a cyncial attempt to get money, weapons and help from the Americans in the "war on terror".
Ethiopia's real interest is not interested in fighting the "war on terror" but in not seeing a strong and unitied Somalia which it sees as being a threat to it.
Posted by: sammy at July 29, 2006 05:44 PM (TNcIf)
Posted by: jesusland joe at July 29, 2006 11:48 PM (rUyw4)
Guess what's going to happen next?
This isn't a false terror alarm. These looneies are capable, determined and fixated to destroy the Western civilization and all christians. Ethiopia will only be the stepping stone.
Shall we continue to wacth the outcome in silence?
You be the judge.
Posted by: dani at July 30, 2006 02:22 AM (E779K)
Posted by: Gabi at July 30, 2006 04:26 AM (ksPdG)
Posted by: Jan at July 30, 2006 01:23 PM (7kRVp)
Your name says it all...you clearly have no clue about history, geopolitics or anything else for that matter so after this I won't bother wasting my time giving you lessons in history, politics or anything else.
First of all, many countries "sold" or backed the Iraqis or the Iranians during the 8 year war. Hell, even Israel(with obvious American approval) supplied weapons to the Iranians.
Having said that it was the Americans that pushed Saddam into starting the war with Iran.
It is also well known(but apparently you must have been in a cave cause you don't seem to know) public knowledge that America allowed Saddam to acquire the same "weapons of mass destruction"(chemical and biological weapons) from US institutions that later on down the road Bush jr felt it necessary to invade the country for. Ironicly his papa was at the helm of the CIA when America was helping saddam.
Not only that, but the US supplied Saddam with Satelite images so Saddam could use his weapons/troops more effectively.
lastly here is an exceprt you can readily find online...
"Starting in 1982 with Iranian success on the battlefield, the U.S. made its backing of Iraq more pronounced, supplying it with intelligence, economic aid, normalizing relations with the government (broken during the 1967 Six-Day War), and also supplying weapons [5]. President Ronald Reagan decided that the United States "could not afford to allow Iraq to lose the war to Iran", and that the United States "would do whatever was necessary and legal to prevent Iraq from losing the war with Iran."[6] President Reagan formalized this policy by issuing a National Security Decision Directive ("NSDD") to this effect in June, 1982.[7]"
Posted by: sammy at July 30, 2006 08:21 PM (TNcIf)
Get a grip. You sound like those irrational alarmist or fear mongers that base their decision not on rational, objective information but on emotions and fear.
First of all, the so called "dominoe" theory is bunk.
Saudi arabia, Yemen, Sudan All practice some sort of theocartic goverment and have even tried to export their brand of governing to Eritrea, ethiopia etc to nothing to show for it.
So please stop with the hysteria.
"Once they succeed in Ogaden, with the support of Eritrea, Libya, Egypt and a bunch of other covert al Quaeda fans,"
Eritrea actually has been and is fighting "al-queda"(primarily it's affiliate "Eritrean Islamic Jihad", which is also supported by Sudan and ethiopia) for a hell of lot longer than america or anyone else.
Look it up!
"Shall we continue to wacth the outcome in silence?"
I find it ironic that while the International community, the US, etc recognised the "transitional Somalian Government"... they couldn't even be bothered to give any form of support to extend it's power to the rest of Somalia and bring some semblence of governance, peace etc, but the minute a group of "Islamicist" does...alarm bells sound all over the place.
Posted by: sammy at July 30, 2006 08:36 PM (TNcIf)
Posted by: realitycheck at August 01, 2006 06:36 AM (nhq59)
Learn about vexation and exhaustion operation .
Very intersting book about Islamic imperial jihad methods
keep up the good work
Posted by: kaosktrl at August 01, 2006 10:59 PM (HaveM)
Posted by: jama at August 01, 2006 11:57 PM (9NbRw)
Posted by: jama at August 01, 2006 11:59 PM (9NbRw)
Posted by: jama at August 02, 2006 12:01 AM (9NbRw)
Posted by: ashenafi at August 02, 2006 02:59 AM (352zU)
Posted by: ashenafi at August 02, 2006 02:59 AM (352zU)
Posted by: ashenafi at August 02, 2006 03:00 AM (352zU)
Prepare to die terrorists!
Posted by: hiw at August 02, 2006 03:14 AM (352zU)
Posted by: eyob at August 02, 2006 04:25 AM (1oVNI)
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