September 26, 2007
So when it's Virginia, Dr. Esam Omeish, leader is appointed to a panel on immigration, then you bet I'm outraged. LGF has much much more.
Posted by: Rusty at
03:43 PM
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Many of these youths who have fallen in love with warfare for Allah’s sake have been asking as to how to support the Jihad, which is now global, in an era where a spy is your next door neighbor....He then goes on to whine about just how hard it is to join the actual jihad in Iraq--what with all the spies trying to keep poor innocent Muslims off of airplanes and all they want to do is go kill infidels and Zionists. He even laments the fact that these spies are so prevalent, that even the mujahidin belonging to al Qaeda in Iraq are forced to wear masks!Yesterday, the Imaam would call to Jihaad and over a million Mujaahideen would show their faces. Now we have delicate situations where that type of leadership does not exist - although it is around the corner - and the situation of each Muslim varies....
So, what does the young Muslim do who cannot actually join terrorist organizations in Iraq, Afghanistan, & Algeria?
It would be foolish for one to say that the Global Jihaad is not in need of finance. Money is what runs the Jihaad and without it, you’ll end up having men fighting with their fists instead of their rifles. In fact, the role of financing the Jihaad is so important that it is ongoing; it is a process which will never stop till the Day of Judgment.When you can't give your life for the jihad cause or your money, maybe you can give your talents. What kind of talents? The making of effective propaganda:
Ever since the creation of As-Sahab Media, we have been able to see the great need for waging the media war. If it wasn’t for As-Sahab Media - the founding father of the Jihaadee Media of this century - our task would become very difficult in the face of the current godless Media war......Brainwashed...right.So for instance, it comes as no surprise when we see those who are brainwashed by the Western media sources to say, “Usaamah bin Laadin has killed thousands of innocents…†and “the Mujaahideen kill innocents in ‘Iraaq and Afghanistan everyday…†and “the Mujaahideen are the true terrorists because they don’t want Democracy…â€
So, how can I help the global jihad?
And by media, we don’t simply mean a visual interface, but an all-encompassing implication including audio, fataawa, books, forums, magazines, articles, websites, blogs, pictures, and more.Yet another jihadi advocating what we already knew: that propaganda is part and parcel to the jihad. It is an act of war.
You can read more of Inshallahshaheed's gems at his blog here. I promised never to link him again, but since he left Black Flag, Howie, and me such nice comments--- I figured we sort of owed him one.
Posted by: Rusty at
12:37 PM
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President Bush has demonstrated his willingness to stand alone internationally. Yet for little better reason than go-along, get-along multilateralism, the administration is now pushing the Senate to ratify the Law of the Sea Treaty, which was just unanimously voted out of Richard Lugar's Senate Foreign Relations Committee. At a committee meeting in February, Lugar noted a wide range of support from American interests "for U.S. accession to be completed swiftly." However, the treaty is a flawed document, and there would be serious costs from accepting it.Lovely.The Law of the Sea Treaty originated in the 1970s as part of the United Nations' redistributionist agenda known as the "New International Economic Order." The convention covers such issues as fishing and navigation, but the controversy arose mainly over seabed mining. In essence, the Law of the Sea Treaty was designed to transfer wealth and technology from the industrialized states to the Third World.
Two decades ago, President Ronald Reagan ignored criticism of American unilateralism and refused to sign the treaty. U.S. leadership caused the Europeans and even the Soviet Union to stay out. Many Third World states eventually acknowledged the treaty's many flaws.
But treaties attract diplomats as lights attract moths. The first Bush and Clinton administrations worked to "fix" the treaty, leading to a revised agreement in 1994. Washington signed, leading to a cascade of ratifications from other countries. GOP gains in Congress, however, dissuaded the Clinton administration from pushing for ratification. Now George W. Bush has stepped in where Bill Clinton feared to tread.
Posted by: Ragnar at
12:34 PM
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The inevitable outcome of mixing France with jihad.
Related and not so funny: more...
Posted by: Rusty at
11:25 AM
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“Everyone in this room would agree that people in this country were misled in terms of the rationale of this war,†said Couric, adding that it is “pretty much accepted†that the war in Iraq was a mistake.While this admission of gross malfeasance from the media establishment is welcome, it's unclear whether the motivation was Katie's desire to be forthcoming in exposing her personal bias, or simple stupidity. I'm leaning toward stupidity.
ADDENDUM (Good Lt.): For Bo and posterity, here's a video of a half dozen or so leading Democrats (Albright, Clinton, John Edwards, Pelosi, Biden, Bayh, Berger, Rockefeller, Harry Reid, etc.) 'being misled' ... by themselves and their intel in 1998 and beyond.
Anyone claiming that we were "misled" into Iraq is a liar, a Democrat moron and a partisan political hack who doesn't even have a basic understanding of contemporary history or factual reality.
Posted by: Bluto at
10:40 AM
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UPDATE: Iran no longer gay. QED.
Posted by: Rusty at
10:11 AM
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LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- "Don't be afraid, I'm just going to get my operation done and then I'll be home with you."Those are the words of 5-year-old Youssif to his mother the night before his second surgery.
The next morning Youssif was wheeled into the operating room, tightly clutching his father's hand and crying slightly, but putting on a brave front.
Youssif's second surgery lasted three hours. A team of surgeons, led by Dr. Peter Grossman, Monday removed the temporary cadaver skin they had placed Thursday on Youssif's scarred face. They replaced the skin with a full tissue skin graft taken from Youssif's abdomen.
Grossman said that before the end of the week he will have an idea whether the grafts have taken, but doctors will not know for another couple of weeks whether the grafts are surviving.
For now, Youssif will have respite from the operating table, but the long process of healing this horribly scarred child is in its initial stages. Insurgents in Baghdad doused Youssif in gasoline and set him on fire early this year.
"He'll go through a period of time now which will allow him to heal," Grossman said. "We've done a lot of surgery on him in the last week, and we want him to rest up a bit, but starting probably the week after next we'll begin the expansion process."
The expansion process involves gradually inflating tissue expanders -- balloon-like modules -- that were inserted in Youssif's right cheek and under his chin on Thursday. Saline will inflate the balloons to create extra skin over the next few months. The doctors will then use the skin on Youssif's scars.
Continued prayers for Youssif and his family, and for the medical team that is working so hard to give this little boy a chance at a normal life.
Posted by: noburqa at
10:00 AM
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Iran - ARTICLE 19 welcomes release of scholar Kian Tajbakhsh, calls for
release of remaining Iranian-US citizen in detention
Indonesia - Police tap journalist's telephone following report on tax fraud
South Africa - Cape Town court dismisses bank's application to prevent
satirical journal from publishing information relating to alleged tax fraud
Zimbabwe - Censorship and political interference rife at state broadcaster
Maldives - Political affairs reporter banned from Parliament
India - Journalists get four-month jail terms for contempt of court
Niger - RFI and RSF correspondent held incommunicado
Fiji Islands - Blogger suspended from government job for criticising
Click "continue reading" to get a sense of how many governments around the world are threatened by free speech, the truth and an informed public. more...
Posted by: JaneNovak at
09:14 AM
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45% of Yemeni kids under age five are underweight.
Yemen is tied for the highest rate of child malnutrition globally with Afghanistan,
In contrast, 3% of kids under five in the Palestinian Territories are underweight.
Maybe the Palestinians can start collecting money for Yemeni kids.
Many people assume the highest child huinger rate is in sub-Saharan Africa, but no, Yemeni kids are the hungriest in the world.
Posted by: JaneNovak at
08:36 AM
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Nike unveiled Tuesday what it said is the first shoe designed specifically for American Indians, an effort aiming at promoting physical fitness in a population with high obesity rates....It will be distributed solely to American Indians...Nike said it is the first time it has designed a shoe for a specific race or ethnicity...It would kind of be nice if I could get my feet in to a pair of these. I have a pretty big foot. But I guess I'm not the right race, so I'm out of luck.
Hat tip: Bill Dauterieve who quips "different bones".
Posted by: Rusty at
08:31 AM
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But I'd especially direct your attention to this post. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. more...
Posted by: Rusty at
08:11 AM
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September 25, 2007
My home blog uses WordPress, so does Sadly, Blow! Not my fault you got the automatic pingback.
Now get your faces out of the patchouli bowl and get a life.
Posted by: Vinnie at
10:47 PM
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Via The Blotter: A suspect sought by the United States for allegedly plotting to establish a terror training camp in the northwest United States was extradited from the Czech Republic to the United States, where he arrived today.Oh but there's more. He told the Seattle Times...Oussama Kassir, a Lebanon-born Swedish citizen who is an alleged associate of Abu Hamza al Masri, the radical cleric currently jailed on terror-related charges in Britain, was arrested on Sunday in the Czech Republic after a court ruled there was no reason to refuse a 2006 U.S. extradition request.
In August, an American credited with a key role in the terror training camp scheme pleaded guilty to terrorism charges n federal court in New York. James Ujaama, a Muslim convert from Seattle, admitted he tried to set up the camp in Bly, Ore., in 1999 and had informed Abu Hamza that he and others were stockpiling weapons and ammunition in the United States. The charges carried a potential prison sentence of up to 30 years.
I love Osama bin LadenEeeewwww!
We hope that you dislike your stay in prison just as much, if not more than your buddy Abu Hamza.
Hat Tips: Jammiewearingfool and Pat Dollard.
Posted by: Howie at
09:43 PM
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"I feel like an ergonomic keyboard."
Such a warm and fuzzy feeling, as Tipu is welcomed back into the MSA fold.
One of the members is a bit extremist... but he doesn't really mean it.
Posted by: Kafir at
01:39 PM
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The message of the film seems to be "We R Gay. R U Gay 2?"
Tell me this isn't flaming........

Okay, actually the video is supposed to be a long message urging the U.S. to go home. It's all in English. It even features music from Jurassic Park & ET.
The video is being served from this website operated by the Baathist insurgents:
UPDATE 9/27/07: PWND! Thanks to Yahoo! for the prompt response. The main Jaami website, though, continues to operate as of this writing. Scroll down for details.
And guess who runs the server? Yahoo! =
AltaVista Company (Owned by Yahoo!)
And since we've already PWND so many JAAMI websites, might as well get their main site taken down too. =
Schlund (Germany)
Bonus e-mail a terrorist:
Posted by: Rusty at
01:13 PM
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First I have to stop watching Mel Gibson movies because I am Jewish, and I refuse to support anyone who hates me because of it.
It would follow that I had to stop supporting the other half of the "Lethal Weapon" team, when Danny Glover began cozying up to Venezuelan dictator, Hugo Chavez.
And now, yet another of my favorite actors has gone over the wall, meeting privately with Hugo Chavez for three hours yesterday.
Why couldn't Kevin Spacey have just stayed on K-PAX, so I could continue enjoying his films in good conscience?
What's next? Napoleon Dynamite having a dinner party with Kim Jong Il?
Posted by: Kafir at
01:01 PM
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How does one send a message to a jailed terrorist? Easy, you send him greetings via the radio. At least, that is how the followers of Omar Bakri Mohammed would like you to do it.
It seems that there is a radio show in the UK called Radio Ramadhan in which the messages are being sent. A webpage run by Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah--what Bakri Mohammed's followers are calling themselves these days--encourages Muslims to send messages:
YOU CAN SEND MESSAGES TO THE BROTHERS IN BELMARSH [prison] VIA RAMADHAN RADIO TO WHICH THEY ALL LISTEN EVERY NIGHT. THE NUMBER IS 07907 222 531. THE NUMBER HAS BEEN TESTED AND THE MESSAGES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED IN BELMARSH [prison] ALHAMDULILLAH.Members of the group of 'captives' include those involved in a well publicized demonstration outside of the Danish embassy in London: Mizanur Rahman, infamous for holding a sign saying, "Behead those who insult Islam"; Abdul Rahman Saleem (the website even has some of his poetry from jail) who yelled, "Europe you will pay with your blood" and who justified the murder of Kenneth Bigley; Umran Javed who yelled "Bomb, bomb Denmark. Bomb, bomb USA"; Abdul Muhid, who led the demonstration and said "Bomb, bomb the UK" and waved placards with slogans such as "Annihilate those who insult Islam"; Abu Izzadeen, the leader of the group who once claimed "Terrorism is part and parcel to Islam. Terrorism is part of the deen [Islamic way of life] of Islam"; and many, many more.YOU CAN ALSO TEXT THE RADIO STATION.
We know messages are being sent in to the jihadis via radio, and we also know that letters are coming out of jail from the jihadis----am I the only one that thinks this is troubling?
Posted by: Rusty at
12:41 PM
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You'll notice Yousef's shameless self-promotion on the sign.
Like I said before, he claimed to be in Morocco but he's actually living in New York. And he's not just another Muslim, he actually supports al Qaeda.
That's right, an al Qaeda follower in New York City. I wish I could say he was alone, but he's not. He's affiliated with the followers of Omar Bakri Mohammed who has an organized following in NYC called The Islamic Thinkers Society.
Watch. Your. Backs. more...
Posted by: Rusty at
11:32 AM
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I’ve received phone calls and emails from Southern Baptists about Senator Thompson. They are all furious at Doctor Dobson. They just feel that first of all there was a mischaracterizing of his positions. Do I wish that he supported the marriage protection amendment? Of course I do. To say that he is for 50 different views of marriage in 50 different states is a gross mischaracterization of his position...he problem with these cotton picking conviction politicians is that they follow their convictions and Fred Thompson has been for a long long time a very staunch federalist and it’s hard to convince conviction politicians to change their minds.He also comments on Fred's church attendance record:
[D]o I wish that he attended church every Sunday? As a Baptist pastor, of course I do. But does that make him a person of unbelief? That’s harsh and unwarranted.H/t : Allah.Posted by: Ragnar at 11:16 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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A new propaganda video from the al Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) features small children with AK-47 assault rifles. The narrator of the video refers to these young boys as the "new generation" of mujahedeen.AllahP has the relevant clip from the video here.In one scene, a small child who appears to be around seven- or eight-years-old is holding an AK-47 and reciting what he says are quotes from the prophet Mohammed. Then a group of small children are seen, each holding an AK-47.
The video is called 'The Lost Arrow'. If you want to see the full 20 minute video, drop me a line and I'll send it to you.

Also featured on the video:
Al Qaeda murdering American hostage Jack Hensley.
Al Qaeda desecrating the bodies of Thomas Tucker and Kristian Menchaca
Al Qaeda murdering Iraqi prisoners.
The new softer side of al Qaeda.......
Posted by: Rusty at
09:45 AM
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Big Johnson notes : "In World War II, America knew how to create effective propaganda. These days ... not so much."
I think America still knows how to do propaganda. It's just that our government refuses to lead the charge. Our President whines about the media's focus on the negative while he refuses to make a concerted effort to counter it. Our troops have been winning this war on the battlefield while our government has been losing it on the home front. Everyone knows this is the case, and yet Bush is unwilling or unable to fix it.
Sometimes, I wonder if Bush is a political masochist. Sometimes, I wonder if our President actually WANTS to be a political martyr.
Posted by: Ragnar at
09:25 AM
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I'm convinced that al Qaeda proper would not hit a school. Why? Because it's bad PR. After the Beslan massacre I think al Qaeda figured out that it is not in their best interests to target children. Trust me, these guys follow the media closely.
They didn't stop beheading civilian hostages in Iraq because they thought it was wrong. They stopped because they realized it looked bad. You'll recall Zawahiri's letter to Zarqawi urging him to drop his favorite method of dispensing with hostages because it alienated Muslims.
So, too, would attacking school children.
But this does not mean that a self-directed homegrown al Qaeda 3.0 cell wouldn't hit a school. In fact, it's a much more likely scenario.
Why? Because these jihadis are fed a non-stop stream of propaganda which convinces them that the US and its allies target school children. That is, they actually believe that we kill children on purpose.
And given that another theme of jihadi propaganda is that attacks against US civilians are only a response to US attacks against Muslim civilians--yes, they really believe that we started this war---then it is no stretch to imagine some enterprising young jihadi and his buddies from the Bronx trying to kill as many school children as they can for "revenge".
I'd be less worried about Arab foreigners driving school buses than I would about the sons of Pakistani doctors and lawyers convinced that the US routinely murders women and children throughout the Ummah. Remember, the filthy murderers at Beslan were not foreigners from Arab lands. They were Russian citizens.
Thanks to Larwyn.
UPDATE: Has it begun already? A bomb outside a school in Liverpool.
Posted by: Rusty at
09:00 AM
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Newsflash: the Communist system makes people that cruel.
Posted by: Rusty at
08:43 AM
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Posted by: Rusty at
08:35 AM
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Posted by: Rusty at
08:33 AM
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