June 23, 2007

History Channel Australia to Air Moronic 'Loose Change'

Absolutely disgraceful. This is below the History Channel (or any channel, save Democracy NOW!)

Get on the horn or on email and let them know how you feel about them airing what amounts to a modern Holocaust-denial film riddled with inaccuracies, lies and distortions about one of the darkest days in American history:

Postal Address :
The History Channel
GPO Box 99

Courier Address :
The History Channel
5 Thomas Holt Drive
Nth Ryde NSW 2113

Phone Number: +6 12 9813 6000

Web feedback page:

Do not let this travesty go unchallenged. Get on the phone or on email and do it TODAY.

Posted by: Good Lt. at 11:09 AM | Comments (26) | Add Comment
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1 What is also shameful is that you all continue to allow Greyrooster to post in spite of his anti-black racism and his vile ad hominem epithets.

You are enabling Greyrooster and this is giving conservatives a black eye.

Posted by: Conservative Voice at June 23, 2007 12:21 PM (b0FZu)

2 Greyrosster has been banned. He uses a cable modem and changes IP addys. So he's difficult to ban for any length of time.  A agree I don't like some of the things he says.  Although after all these years I've detected a small trace of good in him.  His worst comments reflect badly on him.  Makes him look old and foolish. It would help his cause to speak about the behaviour that bothers him and leave color out of it.  True each race has it's own set of idiots and some appear to have more than others.  I don't excuse behaviour by blacks or others that I find wrong.

But people do associate things rooster says with this blog and therefore my hope is that he would respect his place a a guest here and speak accordingly.  There is always a way to get your point across without being a blantantly foolish racist asshole.  But old assholes never change, maybe the next geration is ashamed of him and will do better. 

I know one time my grandpa was describing how he looked after a hernia surgery time.  We were visiting my sister in the hospital at the time.  He said look I was blacker than a damn ni**er as he pointed all around his waist. .  And he was bruised pretty bad it was an apt analalgy.  Behind the curtain on the other side of the room was a black doctor who was there from John Hopkins with a patient, reputed to be one of the best in his field.  A Black Man of means talent and hard work.  Needless to say we were enbarrassed by what he said as was he.  But he is from a different age and that's just how he speaks at times.  He would no more treat that man different than anyone else to his face. He's feed him if he were hungry and let him stay in his home if he needed it, pour him a drink too I'm sure.   But he did't know he was there and fucked up . 

I know I'm prejudice to a point, everyone is and I'm a product of my heavlily white midwesten environment.  I admit I don't feel comfortable driving though west Memphis at night, not the environment I'm familiar with. But I work with a lot of nice peope of all colors. I'm aware of it and I do my best to give every man a fair shake.  It's not really possible but it's the effort that counts, I hope, in the long run.

I still love my grandpa but there it is.  If don't think rooster would act that way in my home if he knew I would be offended.  So he should  behave as well here. I'll allow for the occasional angry rant.  But when rooster offends his hosts adn others repeatedly without thought, I find it rude rude rude, and I thought southerners were polite.  Most of them are. 

So yeah, we can go around worrying about him all day and deleting his comments. Doesn't that jut encourage his egotism and encourage him more. Or e can just leave them there to show who he really is.  Pretty ulgy record if you aks me. His errs show he doesn't really have the writing skills to be that damn arrogant.

Posted by: Darth Odie at June 23, 2007 01:26 PM (YHZAl)

3 link to loose change/history channel schedule.

I sent them an email but it was to the posted AU addy.

Posted by: mrclark at June 23, 2007 01:28 PM (DqUtT)

4 Meh. Given some of the dreck I've been seeing on the history channel lately (an hour-long program about how the Bermuda Triangle is *just like a black hole!* No, I mean, like a black hole, you know, emits, like, gravity waves and the Bermuda Triangle, like, has these, like, waves of *water*, *just like a black hole!*), I'm not surprised.

Posted by: Anachronda at June 23, 2007 03:03 PM (jnCzJ)

5 the Bermuda Triangle is *just like a black hole!* No, I mean, like a black hole, you know, emits, like, gravity waves

Its not gravity waves but mind control waves. The machine is owned by the US gov and thats was how McBushHitler implemented the Rovian plot exposed by Loose Change.

Posted by: Randman at June 23, 2007 04:47 PM (Sal3J)

6 I love crybabies. Particularly the black asskissing ones.  Conservative Voice: You're nothing but a whinning sissy lefturd. I do more in day for the conservative cause than pissants like you in your entire pityful little lives. You remind if the the little cry bady shits that complain about Rush Limbaugh. In fact since you talk like a lefturd you probably are one. So go fuck yourself. Sissy.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 23, 2007 06:32 PM (1p01H)

7 Darth Odie: You pussy. Name one time the Greyrooster hasn't told the truth. Stand up like a man and tell it like it is. Your such a chump your working with a lefturd called conservative voice. Conservatibe voice my ass. Just because you're a sucker don't expect others to be. Fucktard like Conservative Voice would give up this nation without a fight. Bend over and join them if you wish. Then again, you've always been a loser. Why change now.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 23, 2007 06:36 PM (1p01H)

8 And if you wish to know the truth. The list that see's that I am correct grows and grows every week. But is your head to far up some weaklings ass to see that. What a bunch of chickenshits. You punks can run down Mexicans, South Americans, Asians, Muslims. But you're to chicken shit to say the same about blacks that are killing people in our streets. I guess the Mexican and Asians won't whip you ass so you just pick on them. COWARDS. Then you join the candy asses who wish to shut the brave up. FUCK YOU. JUST FUCK YOU.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 23, 2007 06:43 PM (1p01H)

9 Writing skills? Not much. I base my arrogance on other successes. Now get in your old used car and tell me again how much you grammer has given you and yours. You remind me of those little nerds sitting in the front row and school and worshiping the stupid teacher. You know. The ones who hid in the bushes until we when by.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 23, 2007 06:47 PM (1p01H)

10 Don't bother with greyrooster, when we move to the new blogging platform, he won't be around anymore.

That's right, bitch, pretty soon you can bend over and kiss your ass goodbye.

Posted by: Vinnie at June 23, 2007 07:28 PM (eSoLw)

11 ROFLMAO! I can disagree with Rooster on the black thing but I still like the guy....I mean...he is a people person.

Posted by: Randman at June 23, 2007 07:28 PM (Sal3J)

12 Vinnie: Strange. Your boyfriend says you're the bitch.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 23, 2007 07:32 PM (1p01H)

13 Looks like Vinnie has moved to the lefturd side. Nothing new to me. Expected it for a long time.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 23, 2007 07:34 PM (1p01H)

14 Fuckface, you're a pimple on the ass of this blog, and it's going to give all of us who post here extreme gratification when you get popped.

Go get your own blog, retard, so that we can read it and laugh.

Posted by: Vinnie at June 23, 2007 07:42 PM (eSoLw)

15 Of course, you may need to be reminded that Robert "Sheets" Byrd, Democrat senator from West Virginia, is a Klansman.

Who's the lefturd? Me, or the dumbass that agrees with Robert "Sheets" Byrd, lefturd Klan member Democrat senator from West Virginia.

Posted by: Vinnie at June 23, 2007 07:46 PM (eSoLw)

16 Poor little Vinnie. Gets beat at his own game so wishes to stop playing. Knew you didn't have it in you. The muslims will stick one  in your butt and you won't say a thing. You're ain't  nothing. Never won anything in your shitty little life. You're a peon Vinnie.  a peon to to peed on.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 23, 2007 07:48 PM (1p01H)

17 There is a way to deal with this recurring wart. Just post his IP and email information, the same way you all do with Islamist asses.

That way, everyone can contact his IP provider and get him shut down.

Posted by: Conservative Voice at June 23, 2007 07:51 PM (b0FZu)

18 You're right, shitnozzle, I haven't won anything in my life. I earned everything I have, like the good Conservative that I am.

As far as Muslims doing anything to me, think whatever you want. You don't have the slightest clue what's in this house waiting.

Clock's a ticking, gheyrooster, soon you'll have to find greener pastures for your inane drivel.

And for God's sake, get a fucking spellchecker.

Posted by: Vinnie at June 23, 2007 07:56 PM (eSoLw)

19 Greyrooster is an anonymous wussy. If he had a pair, he'd be okay with everyone knowing his real name. But the reality is that he'd shut up big time if he was exposed. He's a bully and bullies are always wussies.

Posted by: Conservative Voice at June 23, 2007 07:57 PM (b0FZu)

20 Yay! I didn't know the new platform had a better capacity to ban insane drivel spewers. That's good news.

Posted by: jane at June 23, 2007 10:13 PM (xQq4i)

21 Beth: How long have you been letting blacks give it to you up the ass? Easy to spot a bitch that spreads her legs in the ghetto. You sound like the nappy headed ho from the duke party. Difference is you got to be uglier. Only an ugly bitch like you needs to go down on blacks.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 24, 2007 09:29 PM (I26g3)

22 Vinnie the punk: Wrong not a Klan member. Must be a Christian to join. I'm not. They wouldn't let you join either. No gays allowed. Sissy.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 24, 2007 09:32 PM (I26g3)

23 Conservative Voice: Why don't you post your name? Fucking coward. No one on the blog posts their names. Fucking low life cunt. If I didn't have a family I would post it. In a hurry. I hope to get a shot at some piece of dog shit like you. If you or any of the blacks you suck want to meet with me alone. I'm game. Just so it's to the death. And I'm serious. Fucktard. If you wish to know we are looking for you right now. And I will find you.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 24, 2007 09:38 PM (I26g3)

24 Whores and two bit tramps like this Beth bitch stand up for the niggers who beat to death a innocent man on the streets of Austin. Way I figure it. The filthy bitch is one.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 24, 2007 09:45 PM (I26g3)

25 Two days later: Wonder how many of the brothas Beth did last night. Bitch carries a mattress on her back and gives change for a dollar. Big deal when someone says something about the color you've been screwing. Hey, slut, maybe your nasty ass can give those killers in Austin aids. Do something honorable once in your miserable life. Meanwhile keep with the monkey fucking. Keeps them out of trouble.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 26, 2007 07:59 AM (KtHtq)

26 Why are you worried about the History Channel?  You'll be watching Fox News as usual.  Let the rest of us haver our fun.

Posted by: Joe at June 28, 2007 12:50 AM (ip8b4)

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